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1. Red-Chested Sparrowhawk

2. Black Sparrowhawk

3. Fish Eagle

4. Osprey

5. Black Eagle

6. Long-Crested Eagle

7. Crowned Eagle (Rare)

8. Cape Vulture

9. Lappet-Faced Vulture (Rare)

10. Lammergeier

11. Steppe Buzzard

12. Jackal Buzzard

13. Honey Buzzard

14. Mountain Buzzard

15. Gymnogene

16. Lanner Falcon

17. Eastern Red-Footed Kestrel

18. Western Red-Footed Kestrel

19. Pale Chanting Goshawk

20. Rock Kestrel

21. Black Shouldered Kite

22. Yellow Billed Kite

23. Tawny Eagle

24. Black Breasted Snake Eagle

25. Martial Eagle (Unusual)

26. Secretary Bird

27. Grass Owl

28. Barn Owl

29. Cape Eagle Owl

30. Spotted Eagle Owl




GIANTS CUP BIRD LIST                                                    



8 Dabchick                                                                                                                                                                        

55 Cormorant Whitebreasted

56 Heron Greatwhite

58 Cormorant Reed

60 Darter

62 Heron Grey

63 Heron Blackheaded

65 Heron Purple

67 Egret Yellow-Billed

71 Egret Cattle

76 Heron Black-Crowned Night

78 Bittern Little

81 Hammerkop

83 Stork White

84 Stork Black

91 Ibis Sacred

92 Ibis Bald

94 Ibis Hadeda

95 Spoonbill African

99 Duck White-Faced

102 Goose Egyptian

103 Shelduck Cape

104 Duck Yellowbilled

105 Duck African Black

106 Teal Cape

107 Teal Hottentot

108 Teal Red-Billed

112 Shoveller Cape

113 Pochard Red Eyed

115 Duck Knobbilled

116 Goose Spurwing

117 Duck Maccoa

118 Secretarybird

119vulture Bearded

122 Vulture Cape

126 Kite Yellow-Billed

127 Kite Blackshouldered

131 Eagle Black

139 Eagle Longcrested

140 Eagle Martial

148 Eagle African Fish

149 Buzzard Steppe

150 Buzzard Forest

152 Buzzard Jackal

155 Sparrowhawk Redbreasted

158 Sparrowhawk Black

159 Goshawk Little Banded

160 Goshawk African

165 Harrier African Marsh

168 Harrier Black

169 Gymnogene

170 Osprey

171 Falcon Lanner

172 Falcon Peregrine

180 Kestrel Eastern Redfooted

181 Kestrel Rock

183 Kestrel Lesser

190 Frankolin Grey Winged

192 Francolin Red-Winged

198 Francolin Rednecked

200 Quail Common

203 Guineafowl Helmeted

205 Quail Kurrichane Button

207 Crane Wattled

208 Crane Blue

209 Crane Crowned

210 Rail African

211 Corncrake

218 Flufftail (Buffspotted)

219 Flufftail (Redchested)

221 Flufftail (Striped)

223 Gallinule Purple

226 Moorhen

228 Coot Red-Knobbed

231 Bustard Stanley’s

248 Plover Kittlitz’s

249 Sandplover Three Banded

257 Plover Blackwinged

258 Plover Blacksmith

260 Plover Wattled

264 Sandpiper Common


266 Sandpiper Wood

269 Sandpiper Marsh

270 Greenshank

279 Dikkop Spotted

284 Ruff

286 Snipe Ethiopian

338 Tern Whiskered

349 Pigeon Rock

350 Pigeon Rameron

352 Dove Redeyed

354 Dove Cape Turtle

355 Dove Laughing

374 Cuckoo European

374 Cuckoo Emerald

377 Cuckoo Redchested

378 Cuckoo Black

385 Cuckoo Klaas’s

386 Cuckoo Diederik

391 Coucal Burchell’s

392 Owl Barn

393 Owl Grass

400 Owl Cape Eagle

401 Owl Spotted Eagle

408 Nightjar Freckled

411 Swift European

412 Swift Black

415 Swift Whiterumped

416 Swift House

416 Swift Horus

417 Swift Little

418 Swift Alpine

424 Mousebird Speckled

427 Trogon Narina

428 Kingfisher Pied

429 Kingfisher Giant

430 Kingfisher Half-Collared

431 Kingfisher Malachite

438 Bee-Eater European

446 Roller European

451 Hoepoe

452 Hoepoe Redbilled

463 Hornbill Ground

464 Barbet Blackcollared

474 Honeyguide Greater

478 Honeyguide Sharp-Billed

480 Woodpecker Ground

486 Woodpecker Cardinal

488 Woodpecker Olive

489 Wryneck Red-Throated

500 Lark Long-Billed

507 Lark Red Capped

512 Lark Thick Billed (L)

518 Swallow European

520 Swallow Whitethroated

526 Swallow Greater Striped

527 Swallow Lesserstriped

528 Swallow S A Cliff

529 Martin Rock

530 Martin House

532 Martin Sand

533 Martin Brownthroated

534 Martin Banded

536 Swallow Blacksawwing

537 Warbler Yellowbellied

541 Drongo Forktailed

542 Drongo Squaretailed

545 Oriole Blackheaded

547 Crow Black

548 Crow Pied

550 Raven Cape

551 Tit Southern Grey (L)

554 Tit Southern Black

565 Blackcap Bush

568 Bulbul Black-Eyed

576 Thrush Kurrichane

577 Thrush Olive

580 Thrush Groundscraper

581 Thrush Cape Rock

582 Thrush Sentinal Rock

586 Chat Mountain

588 Chat Buff-Streaked

589 Chat Familiar

591 Chat Sicklewinged (L)


595 Chat Anteating

596 Chat Stone

598 Robin Chorister

601 Robin Cape

612 Rockjumper Orange Breasted

631 Warbler African Marsh

633 Warbler European Marsh

635 Warbler Cape Reed

637 Warbler Yellow

638 Warbler African Sedge

645 Apalis Bar Throated

661 Grassbird

664 Cisticola Fantail

665 Cisticola Desert

667 Cisticola Ayres

668 Cisticola Pale Crowned

670 Cisticola Wailing

677 Cisticola Levaillant’s

679 Cisticola Lazy

681 Neddicky

686 Prinia Drakensberg / Karoo

686 Prinia Spotted

689 Flycatcher Spotted

690 Flycatcher Dusky

698 Flycatcher Fiscal ????

700 Batis Cape

702 Flycatcher Fairy

710 Flycatcher Paradise

711 Wagtail African Pied

713 Wagtail Cape

716 Pipit Grassveld

717 Pipit Longbilled

718 Pipit Plain-Backed

721 Pipit Rock

724 Pipit Short Tailed

725 Pipit Yellow Breasted

727 Longclaw Orange Throated

732 Shrike Fiscal

733 Shrike Red Backed

736 Boubou Southern

740 Shrike Puff-Back

746 Bokmakierie

757 Starling European

758 Starling Mynah

759 Starling Pied

760 Starling Wattled

764 Starling Glossy

769 Starling Redwinged

774 Sugarbird Gurney’s

775 Sunbird Malachite

785 Sunbird Greater Double Collared

792 Sunbird Black

796 White-Eye Cape

801 Sparrow House

803 Sparrow Cape

804 Sparrow Greyheaded

805 Sparrow Yellowthroated

813 Weaver Cape

824 Bishop Red

826 Bishop Golden

827 Widow Yellow Rumped

828 Widow Redshouldered

831 Widow Redcollared

832 Widow Longtailed

840 Firefinch Blue Billed

846 Waxbill Common

850 Waxbill Swee

852 Finch Quail

854 Waxbill Orange Breasted

857 Mannikin Bronze

860 Wydah Pintailed

864 Widowfinch Black

870 Canary Blackthroated

872 Canary Cape

873 Canary Forest

875 Siskin Drakensberg

881 Seedeater Streaky-Headed

884 Bunting Goldenbreasted

885 Bunting Cape

886 Bunting Rock




 ACCOMMODATION - (+27)0725827635

FISH SALES - (+27)0790392050 / (+27)0608023228



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